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写贵宾犬的作文 关于小狗的英文介绍作文怎么写作文 -天生赢家凯发k8国际

时间:2023-03-27 03:50:43 作者: 字数:23759字


早晨,太阳才露出小半边脸,像害羞的小姑娘。“汪汪汪”小狗欢欢起床了,他就像一个准时的闹钟,每天天还没大亮就叫了起来。 我起了床,首先就上了楼,伸伸腿,弯弯腰,做做早操。这时小狗欢欢跑了上来,用头蹭蹭我的脚,不时发出哼哼的声音,不用说,它是要吃早餐了。我舀来一小撮饭放在碗里,还没来得及放汤放菜,这个小馋猫却早已经吃了起来,还不时哼哼所它真高孙山换粮雷纪或地叫上两声,好象在说:“谢谢你,小主人!” 下午,阳光明媚,微风轻轻地吹着路旁的梧桐树。我无聊地呆在家里,发现了侧躺在地上睡懒觉的欢欢,突然起了一个念头。于是我找来两条绳子,悄悄地把欢艺欢的腿捆住了。欢欢醒了,挣扎着,痛苦地翻来覆去,眼睛里满是乞求的目光,我却乐得哈哈大笑。这时,爸爸来了,跑到了欢欢身边,把绳子解开了,还狠狠地批评了我。欢欢也不再理我了。我真后悔,早知道就不这样了。 之后,我拿来了欢欢最喜欢的牛奶,放在它面前,可他连看都不看一眼。最后,我拿着面包,诚心诚意地向欢欢道了歉,欢欢似乎才原谅我了。 欢欢是我倾诉的对象,当我有烦恼争考其,有委屈时,它都是我最忠实的朋友。那一次,在学校里我被同学误会了,回到家就扑在床上痛哭。这时欢欢来了,在床边哼哼地叫着,吧用它特有的方式表示关切和安慰神总。于是我抱着欢欢,向它倾诉我的委屈,欢欢似乎听懂了,偎在我的身边,轻轻地哼着。 这就是我的欢史欢,可爱,活泼,还会倾听我的苦与乐。 那只小狗,是爸爸回老家时给我捎来的。 小狗的毛毛茸茸的,耳朵时不时地向上翘着,显得格外精神,它那米黄色的断政美球问毛,远看就像太阳光射在地上,发出灿烂的金光。让人一看,就有一种暖和的感觉。 小狗饿了,我就会拿几块骨头到它面前摇来晃去,小狗耐不住了,就跳起来抢那块肉骨头,抢到后就在一边悄悄地吃起来,小狗狼吞虎咽地击史波棉六钟维露将那块骨头吃完了,看它的样子,似乎还想吃,于是,我又给它扔了三块骨头,没想到它一下又吃完了,看它吃了一块又一块的骨头,我开玩笑说:“你吃得那么多,去跟小猫学捉老鼠去!”说完,我自己都笑了,小狗虽然不会捉老鼠,但它会全力为主人服务,把自己能做的,解况谁述全部奉献给主人。 小狗十分忠诚,比小猫还要忠诚,只要主人养了它,它就会全力帮助主人。 有时,小狗爱和玩具“小猫”打架,它先扑向“小猫”,“小猫”不理睬它,岩仅且第爱乎刚留棉它用爪子打“小猫”的头,“小猫”还是不理睬,它用爪子打“小猫”的屁股要减,“小猫”坐不住了,小狗火了,它把“小的依宽猫”往地上一扔,“小猫”肚子一面的按钮撞到了地上,“小猫”发出了“喵喵”的叫声,这可吓坏了小狗,它再也不敢欺负“小猫”置倒看止故太剂了,还吓得躲到了门背后,迟击坚世副钱迟不敢出来…… 小狗的到来,给我的生活增添了许多乐趣,我喜欢我的小狗


1. 写一篇介绍狗的英语作文20句话带翻译,急用

1. i have a lovely dog. its name is yoyo. i like it very much. it has o big ears, o big and bright eyes. its hair is brown. it has e to my home for a year. it has bee a part of my family. it has its own house, but it likes to sleep under my bed, play in my house. i like talking to it, because it's a friend worth of trusting. i would like to share my happy things with it. when i am sad, talking to it makes me feel good. i am happy to have such a lovely friend.我有一只可爱的小狗,它的名字叫悠悠,我很喜欢它。





我很高兴有这样一个可爱的朋友。from: 2. my favorite pet i have a dog. he is my favorite pet. he is very lovely. his name is peter and he is o years old. his fur is long and white. he has big black eyes. his nose is very good. he can *** ell very well. he is quite *** all. he weighs about o kilograms. peter's favorite food is meat. he also likes bones.peter is very friendly. i feed him every day. he never barks or bites. peter likes lots of exercise. it is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy. so i play with him every day in the park. peter likes to run in the park. he often chases cats and birds. it is very interesting. peter can find the way back easily. i think he is the cleverest animal of all.i like my dog and he loves me too. he is very healthy. all my family like him. we look after him very carefully. i'll make a *** all and lovely house for him. i think he will be happy to live there. do you like my dog?来自: /enzuowen/ge/p68425/ 我尝试翻译了一下,如下:我最喜爱的宠物 我有一只狗。






他也喜欢骨头。 皮特非常友好。










2. 关于介绍小狗嗅觉的英文作文

dogs belong to the canine.

when a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses. sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines make their long distance calls. smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together.

inside its nose are around o hundred million *** ell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans. through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million. it gives the dog: a pletely different picture of the world, based on what it *** ells, rather than what it sees.

flowers are irrelevant to a dog. so their scent is meaningless. but food is a serious matter. what to us is an empty plate, is covered with the *** ell of chicken to a hungry dog.





3. 2年级学生写小狗的英文作文

puppy is 2 years old this year. because it is yellow, i call it little yellow. it is very cute, i love it very much. every day when i go home from school and quickly finished my homework i can play with it. i skate and play with it. we had a little running race or hide-and-seek. when i was reading it quietly acpany beside me. this is my most happy thing besides study.

4. 谁能帮我写一篇英语介绍小狗的作文啊

我家有只小狗叫“ *** ”,名字像猫。我喜欢和它玩,妈妈每天给它洗澡,爸爸下班回来它便总是跟着他。它会做很多游戏,像点头、抬爪、打球等。它给我们家带来了欢乐。

in my home there is a little dog called"mimi" . the name is like a cat s. i like to play with it. my mother takes a bath for it every day. it always follows my father when he gets home after work. it can play many games,such as nodding its head, raising its paws, rolling on the ground and so on. it brings happiness to my family.

5. 用英文写一篇关于狗的作文









我爱他们。 i have got o baby dogs. they are very beautiful. one is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow dog is very naughty. he likes to play with people. he often runs here and there. his favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. but the white dog is very gentle. she likes to wash her face. and she doesn′t like to play with people. she often jumps onto my knees. i like to give her a bath. oh, my baby dogs bring me much happiness. we are very good friends. i love them.。

6. 谁能帮我写一篇英语介绍小狗的作文啊

i like dogs i like puppies. our neighbors have a dog named mao mao, it was a long white hair, long ears. it is a very sensitive sense of *** ell, taste a little a bit, it will run in the past. summer es, it will red tongue out, panting, breathing in, strange-looking. it is very cute, very naughty. once i play football in the alley and saw it dangling from my shoes to go when the toy playing a joke, as in the performances. happened, her mother came to empty the garbage found on the shouting maomao. it quickly run down shoes. when it see the owner, the non-stop the run and will meet them back. it also housekeeping, an alley to see a stranger, to recover the past, stop the shouting, as if to suggest to the owner of a stranger, whether he is bad. in fact, the dog has many benefits, such as: shepherd to help people care sheep, dogs will help police zhuahuai ren, dogs to help hunters chase to catch prey, arctic dogs can help people living in the arctic sled. many dogs are family dogs, they bring to human life fun. dogs are cute, i like them.我最喜欢小狗我最喜欢小狗。





它还能看家,一见到胡同里有生人,就追过去,不停的大叫,好象在提示主人有陌生人来了,他是否是坏人。其实,小狗有很多好处,比如:牧羊犬能帮助人们看护羊群,警犬能帮助** 抓坏人,猎犬能帮助猎人追捉猎物,北极犬可以帮助在北极生活的人拉雪橇。


7. 写小狗的英语作文(作文和翻译)

my dog(下面汉语翻译)

i've a dog and it's lovely and brave.

my dog has o clear eyes and four strong legs. it runs faster than any other dog, i believe. my dear dog's eyes can see something that other dog can't see, too.

my lovely dog is also very brave. it kept beasts(野兽) from attacting(袭击) me. that's my real experience(经历).

i love my dog and i shall pay more attention to it.


8. 有关小狗的英语作文

a dog belonging to the animal kingdom - vertebrata mammalia carnivora - - - - - breed canine dog, is one of the elve zodiac. beeen the dog and human feelings can be traced back to thousands of years ago, people believed that, in the ing days beeen dog and person 's feelings will always continue.



9. 关于小狗的英语作文

i have a pet dog named lucky. it has white and soft furs with o *** all ears and a long tail. it is given by my aunt as my birthday. it is so friendly and lovely that we all love it very much. it likes playing balls outside so i often take it our for a walk. it also likes to be clean so i wash it and make it clean ice every week. i often feed it with dog food and saussages. it likes one of my best friend. i often play with it after school.。



i have a cute dog named bell. he is my best friend, beause we always play in the park and he watches tv on the sofa with me every night.

bell has a big pair of black eyes , agile limbs and a smart brain. so my friends all really like it.

do you like my dog? i think dogs is the best pet. how do you thin?






i have a dog. its name is doggy. i like it.

doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. it’s black and white. it has a short tail. it’s cute and lovely.

doggy is strong. it likes bones, rice and meat very much. my dog is lazy. it can catch a ball. i love my dog very much.






my dog

i have a cute dog named bell. he is my best friend, beause we always play in the park and he watches tv on the sofa with me every night.

bell has a big pair of black eyes , agile limbs and a smart brain. so my friends all really like it.

do you like my dog? i think dogs is the best pet. how do you thin?







my dog

i have a dog. its name is doggy. i like it.

doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. it’s black and white. it has a short tail. it’s cute and lovely.

doggy is strong. it likes bones, rice and meat very much. my dog is lazy. it can catch a ball. i love my dog very much.







1. 我家的小狗英文作文用一般过去时写

my little dog

last year, my friend gave me a little dog. i was fond of him very much. i liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever i went. i was very glad that i had a "body guard".

last winter i was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.however, no matter how late i went home, my dog used to stand at a er near my school waiting for me. when i passed there, he barked o or three times then ran towards me. it seemed that he was calling me.

my dog not only,took good care of me, but also was respoasible at home. when strangers came to my house, he barked at them but not hurt them. what a lovely dog he is! (135 words)





2. 一篇《我家的小狗》英语作文




my dog

my family has a lovely and naughty dog, it was very beautiful watery eyes, the hair is white, feels very *** ooth. every time i arrived home, it in my feet jumping up and down, and sometimes next to me kept falling over. every week, i will give it a bath, use a b to b the hair from its very *** ooth.

my dog is very cute, very would like a baby, i like it, you?

3. 我家的小狗作文(英语)至少五句话

my little dog

last year, my friend gave me a little dog. i was fond of him very much. i liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever i went. i was very glad that i had a "body guard".

last winter i was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.however, no matter how late i went home, my dog used to stand at a er near my school waiting for me. when i passed there, he barked o or three times then ran towards me. it seemed that he was calling me.

my dog not only,took good care of me, but also was respoasible at home. when strangers came to my house, he barked at them but not hurt them. what a lovely dog he is!






4. 写小狗的英语作文(作文和翻译)

my dog(下面汉语翻译) i've a dog and it's lovely and brave. my dog has o clear eyes and four strong legs. it runs faster than any other dog, i believe. my dear dog's eyes can see something that other dog can't see, too. my lovely dog is also very brave. it kept beasts(野兽) from attacting(袭击) me. that's my real experience(经历). i love my dog and i shall pay more attention to it. 翻译"我养了一只小狗,非常可爱和勇敢.我的狗有两只玲珑的眼睛和四条粗壮的腿.我相信,我的小狗比其他任何的狗跑得都快.它也能够看到其他小狗看不到的东西.我的小狗很勇猛.它曾经把野兽赶跑,防止它们来袭击我.那是我的真实经历.我爱我的小狗,我将更多的关注它."。

5. 我家的小狗英语小短文

my little dog

last year, my friend gave me a little dog. i was fond of him very much. i liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever i went. i was very glad that i had a "body guard".

last winter i was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day.however, no matter how late i went home, my dog used to stand at a er near my school waiting for me. when i passed there, he barked o or three times then ran towards me. it seemed that he was calling me.

my dog not only,took good care of me, but also was respoasible at home. when strangers came to my house, he barked at them but not hurt them. what a lovely dog he is!

6. 请你写英语,作文,《我家有一只小狗》

my dog

my family has a lovely and naughty dog, it was very beautiful watery eyes, the hair is white, feels very *** ooth. every time i arrived home, it in my feet jumping up and down, and sometimes next to me kept falling over. every week, i will give it a bath, use a b to b the hair from its very *** ooth.

my dog is very cute, very would like a baby, i like it, you?

o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你,

o(∩_∩)o 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)

7. 以我的小狗为题写一篇英语小作文

i have a pet dog named dion. he is so lovely with his little legs, long body and head that looks too big for his body. i walk dion at least ice a day. i feed him, spend time with him and watch him when he is our of his doghouse. he likes licking me and sometimes he barks as if he is talking with me. he can tell when i am happy, sad, angry or troubled. dion is not only my pet。

8. 有关《我家的宠物》的英语小作文

panda—the national treasure

panda is one of the scarcest animals. people in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in china long ago. as the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. but at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in china is in sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again

